Autoscaling Group Notifications with Terraform and AWS Lambda
I use Autoscaling Groups in AWS for all of my systems. The main benefit for me here was to make sure that when a node died in AWS, the Autoscaling Group policy made sure that the node was replaced. I wanted to get some visibility of when the Autoscaling Group was launching and terminating nodes and decided that posting notifications to Slack would be a good way of getting this. With Terraform and AWS Lambda, I was able to make this happen.
This post assumes that you are already setup and running with Terraform
Create an IAM Role that allows access to AWS Lambda:
resource "aws_iam_role" "slack_iam_lambda" {
name = "slack-iam-lambda"
assume_role_policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Effect": "Allow",
"Sid": ""
Create a lambda function as follows:
resource "aws_lambda_function" "slack_notify" {
filename = ""
function_name = "slackNotify"
role = "${aws_iam_role.slack_iam_lambda.arn}"
handler = "slackNotify.handler"
We assume here, that you have already created a Slack Integration. The hook URL from that integration is required for the lambda contents.
The filename
is a zip of a file called slackNotify.js
. The contents of that js file are available
Terraform currently does not support hooking AWS Lambda up to SNS Event Sources. Therefore, unfortunately, there is a manual step required to configure the Lambda to talk to the SNS Topic. There is a PR in Terraform to allow this to be automated as well.
In the AWS Console, go to Lambda and then chose the Lambda function.
Go to the Event Sources
Click on Add Event Source
and then choose SNS
from the dropdown and then make sure you chose the correct SNS Topic name:
We then use another Terraform resource to attach the Autoscale Groups to the Lambda as follows:
resource "aws_autoscaling_notification" "slack_notifications" {
group_names = [
notifications = [
topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.asg_slack_notifications.arn}"
As we have configured notifications for autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION, when you apply this configuration with Terraform, you will see something similar to the following in Slack:
In the current infrastructure I manage, there are 27 Autoscale groups. I don’t really want to add 27 hardcoded group_names in the aws_autoscaling_notifcation in Terraform.
I wanted to take advantage of a Terraform module. In a nutshell, the module does a lookup of all the Autoscaling Groups in a region and then passes that list into the Terraform resource.
The output of the module looks as follows:
"variable": {
"autoscalegroup_names": {
"description": "List of autoscalegroup names for a region",
"default": {
"eu-west-1": "admin-api-autoscale-group,dash-autoscale-group,demo-autoscale-group,docker-v2-autoscale-group,elasticsearch-autoscale-group,faces-autoscale-group,internal-api-autoscale-group,jenkins-master-autoscale-group,kafka-autoscale-group,landscapes-autoscale-group",
"ap-southeast-1": "",
"ap-southeast-2": "",
"eu-central-1": "",
"ap-northeast-1": "",
"us-east-1": "",
"sa-east-1": "",
"us-west-1": "",
"us-west-2": ""
I then pass this into the Terraform resource as follows:
module "autoscalegroups" {
source = ""
region = "${var.aws_region}"
resource "aws_autoscaling_notification" "slack_notifications" {
group_names = [
"${split(",", module.autoscalegroups.asg_names)}",
notifications = [
topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.asg_slack_notifications.arn}"
When anything happens within an Autoscaling Group, I now get notifications as follows: