Autoscaling Group Notifications with Terraform and AWS Lambda

I use Autoscaling Groups in AWS for all of my systems. The main benefit for me here was to make sure that when a node died in AWS, the Autoscaling Group policy made sure that the node was replaced. I wanted to get some visibility of when the Autoscaling Group was launching and terminating nodes and decided that posting notifications to Slack would be a good way of getting this. With Terraform and AWS Lambda, I was able to make this happen.

This post assumes that you are already setup and running with Terraform

Create an IAM Role that allows access to AWS Lambda:

resource "aws_iam_role" "slack_iam_lambda" {
    name = "slack-iam-lambda"
    assume_role_policy = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": ""

Create a lambda function as follows:

resource "aws_lambda_function" "slack_notify" {
  filename = ""
  function_name = "slackNotify"
  role = "${aws_iam_role.slack_iam_lambda.arn}"
  handler = "slackNotify.handler"

We assume here, that you have already created a Slack Integration. The hook URL from that integration is required for the lambda contents.

The filename is a zip of a file called slackNotify.js. The contents of that js file are available

Terraform currently does not support hooking AWS Lambda up to SNS Event Sources. Therefore, unfortunately, there is a manual step required to configure the Lambda to talk to the SNS Topic. There is a PR in Terraform to allow this to be automated as well.

In the AWS Console, go to Lambda and then chose the Lambda function.


Go to the Event Sources tab:


Click on Add Event Source and then choose SNS from the dropdown and then make sure you chose the correct SNS Topic name:


We then use another Terraform resource to attach the Autoscale Groups to the Lambda as follows:

resource "aws_autoscaling_notification" "slack_notifications" {
  group_names = [
  notifications  = [
  topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.asg_slack_notifications.arn}"

As we have configured notifications for autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION, when you apply this configuration with Terraform, you will see something similar to the following in Slack:


In the current infrastructure I manage, there are 27 Autoscale groups. I don’t really want to add 27 hardcoded group_names in the aws_autoscaling_notifcation in Terraform.

I wanted to take advantage of a Terraform module. In a nutshell, the module does a lookup of all the Autoscaling Groups in a region and then passes that list into the Terraform resource.

The output of the module looks as follows:

  "variable": {
    "autoscalegroup_names": {
      "description": "List of autoscalegroup names for a region",
      "default": {
        "eu-west-1": "admin-api-autoscale-group,dash-autoscale-group,demo-autoscale-group,docker-v2-autoscale-group,elasticsearch-autoscale-group,faces-autoscale-group,internal-api-autoscale-group,jenkins-master-autoscale-group,kafka-autoscale-group,landscapes-autoscale-group",
        "ap-southeast-1": "",
        "ap-southeast-2": "",
        "eu-central-1": "",
        "ap-northeast-1": "",
        "us-east-1": "",
        "sa-east-1": "",
        "us-west-1": "",
        "us-west-2": ""

I then pass this into the Terraform resource as follows:

module "autoscalegroups" {
  source = ""
  region = "${var.aws_region}"

resource "aws_autoscaling_notification" "slack_notifications" {
  group_names = [
    "${split(",", module.autoscalegroups.asg_names)}",
  notifications  = [
  topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.asg_slack_notifications.arn}"

When anything happens within an Autoscaling Group, I now get notifications as follows:

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